By Jim Verdonik
I'm an attorney with
Ward and Smith PA. I also write a column about business and law for American
Business Journals , have authored multiple books and teach an eLearning course
for entrepreneurs.
You can reach me at you
can check out my eLearning course at
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articles at
This article is one of
14 articles in a series of 14 articles about Deal-Makers called:
One fact of life about the deal-making
world is that many small deal-makers do not register as a broker under
Section 15(a) (1) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
These finders, financial consultants and
others who help make deals happen constitute a big part of the capital-raising
infrastructure for small to mid-sized companies, but they ignore or try to work
around the SEC's extremely broad interpretation of the definition of "broker"
and the activities that require people to both register as a broker and comply
with many other requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
The basics facts of life about deal making
have not changed for several decades:
The SEC issues very
broad interpretations of who is a broker and who is required to register so
that it's difficult for anyone who is compensated in securities offerings to
fall outside the SEC's interpretation of the broker registration provisions of the
Exchange Act.
Lawyers warn their
clients who use unregistered finders about the risks.
Many thousands of deals
are closed every year with the assistance of unregistered finders and financial
Unless investors lose
money and seek to recover their investment, finders continue going about their
business without too much interference by the SEC.
Neither side seems to be ready to
surrender or compromise. If anything,
the conflict between what the SEC says and how people behave is likely to grow
stronger for two reasons:
The issuance of Rule
506 (c), which permits Internet based private placement offerings and a new
exemption from registration as a broker afforded by Section 201 (c) of the JOBS
Act, which applies to people to perform specified activities in all Rule 506
offerings (which we will discuss in article (4), (5) and (6) of this series of
The SEC has in recent
years been broadening its interpretation of broker registration requirements.
In article (3) of this series of articles,
we'll discuss several recent court cases that call into question whether the
SEC's broad interpretation of the broker registration provisions of the Exchange
Act is really justified. But the truth
is that many finders and financial consultants go beyond even what these court
cases permit. Reality in the capital
raising marketplace for small to mid‑sized businesses is simply incompatible
with current broker registration laws.
That's why so many people routinely ignore that the SEC says they should
Routine non-compliance with the law is
unhealthy. Let's explore why it's
and Securities Fraud
Before we go any further, let's take fraud
out of the equation. Yes, fraud occurs
in some deals that unregistered finders and financial consultants participate
in. But fraud sometimes occurs in deals
that registered brokers do and may be even more pervasive in deals where no
finder or financial consultants participate.
Let's remember that there are two types of
securities fraud. The more sinister kind
is where people set out to cheat investors.
The more pervasive type of securities fraud is caused by people who are
raising capital either don't know how to make the required disclosures or lack
the financial resources to do the required work.
Let's focus on the type of securities
fraud that is unintentional. For the
most part, finders and financial consultants produce better disclosure to
investors than small businesses produce on their own. There are many ways to improve disclosures by
small to mid-sized businesses that raise capital. Eliminating unregistered finders and
financial consultants is not one of them.
The SEC seems to worry a lot that the lure
of making commissions causes finders to pressure investors into bad investment
decisions. But let's consider
entrepreneurs who have sunk their savings and lives into starting a business. They are under a lot more pressure to close a
deal to save their business than a finder is.
Finders, who do many deals, usually want to preserve their reputation
and relationships with investors. That's
usually the key to their next deal.
Entrepreneurs often do one deal in their lifetime. Who has the bigger incentive to fudge the
facts when making disclosures to investors?
Finders on average have both more
experience and greater incentives to avoid fraud than entrepreneurs have on
average. That's why in most situations
finders improve the quality of disclosures investors receive. That is not to say that most finders produce
the same level of disclosures that occurs in a big underwritten IPO.
They know both the
investor and the management of the business that is trying to raise capital,
because they introduced them.
They want to facilitate
communication between the people they introduced.
They usually don't
charge by the hour, because they are only paid if a deal closes. Transactions that don't close can generate
large expenses that seriously damage small companies. So, companies limit the participation of
hourly advisers at meetings with investors and rely heavily on finders who are
compensated with success fees.
Better disclosure would be a net
improvement for investors in small capital raising deals and unregistered
finders and financial consultants on the whole make positive contributions to
achieving better disclosure compared to what would occur when young businesses
are left to their own disclosure devices.
We discuss disclosure, because we should
remember that broker registration rules for private placements are not an end
unto themselves. Broker registration
rules for private placements really primarily exist to prevent fraud.
So, as we explore how to apply to broker
registration rules to finders, we will consider a number of factors, including
whether the SEC's interpretation of Exchange Act's broker registration
- Promote
better disclosure.
- Are
supported by the Exchange Act's actual language.
- Are
consistent with recent court cases.
- Are practical in light of how actual deals are done.
We'll ask the question: Is the SEC going
beyond the statute's language and intent in casting such a big net?
Put another way:
In the SEC's efforts to
catch tuna, how many dolphins are drowning in the net?
Can we really afford to
kill the dolphins?
Should capital starved
businesses launch protests to save unregistered deal makers the way people
protested to save the dolphins?
Let's examine how the SEC fishes and look
for a remedy to the law of unintended consequences that harms both small
businesses and investors.
Before we jump into the SEC's
interpretation of the Exchange Act, I note that in article (8) of this series of
articles we'll discuss the exemption for M & A brokers who buy and sell companies
instead of raising capital. In article
(10) of this series of articles, we'll discuss proposed finders exemptions for
capital raising activities and in articles (4), (5) and (6) we'll explore special
broker registration exemptions that apply to Rule 506 offerings, including to
Internet based technology platforms that connect investors and businesses that
are trying to raise capital.
The general principles we discuss here
will apply to all these situations.
Requirements: What the Securities and Exchange Act Actually Says
The Exchange Act says you have to do two
things before you are required to register as a broker-dealer:
You have to fall within
the Exchange Act's definitions of the terms "broker" or "dealer."
You have to do the
things described in Section 15(a)(1) of the Exchange Act.
15(a) (1) of the Securities Exchange Act says:
shall be unlawful for any broker or
dealer . . . to make use of
the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transactions in, or
to induce or attempt to induce the
purchase or sale of, any security . . . unless such broker or dealer is
registered in accordance with subsection (b) of this section."
The primary issues we will examine to better
understand who is required to register as a broker and why include:
What does "engaged in the business"
mean? As we will see when we discuss
"dealers" in article (9) of this series of articles, engaging in the
business can have a fairly narrow meaning.
But the SEC seems to interpret the same words much more broadly with
brokers. Is this different treatment
justified? Why would the same words mean
different things?
What does "effecting transactions"
mean? How much do you have to do in an
offering to "effect the transaction"?
Does the term "effecting transactions"
that is used in both the definition of broker and in the activity that requires
registration under Section 15 (a) (1) mean the same thing in both the
definition of "broker" and the definition of "dealer"?
Notice that Section 15(a) (1) requires
you to register if you are a "broker" when you either (i) "effect transactions" or
(ii) "induce or attempt to
induce the purchase or sale of a security."
But if you are not engaged "in the business" of
effecting transactions in securities, you are not a broker - even if:
- You
actually sometimes effect transactions in securities or
- You actually sometimes induce or attempt to induce purchases or sales of securities
If you are not a broker, you would not have
to register as a broker under Section 15 (a) (1) of the Exchange Act even if
you do one or both of the two things Section 15 (a) (1) says requires brokers
to register:
- "Effecting transactions" in securities.
- "Inducing or attempting to induce" purchases and sales of securities.
That is why whether you are "in the business" of
effecting transactions in securities is the important thresh hold issue that
limits who is required to register as a broker.
If you are not either a "broker" or a "dealer,"
Section 15(a) (1)'s registration requirements do not apply to you not matter
what you do.
Because Section 15 (a) (1) states there are
two types of activities that cause brokers to have to register, we should
assume that these are two different activities.
There would be no need to refer to two activities if they are the
If they are two different activities, then it
necessarily follows that a person who is not a broker or a dealer (because they
are not in the business of effecting transactions in securities) could "induce or attempt to induce the purchase
or sale" of a security" without being required to register.
This distinction will become important when
we discuss in article (3) of this series of articles court cases that recognize
a distinction between:
Introducing issuers and
investors to one another and letting the issuer and investors take the
transaction from there.
Becoming actively involved
in negotiating deal terms that help to case securities transaction on specific
deal terms.
Some of these court cases we discuss at in article
(3) of this series of articles are based on the premise that the act of
introducing the issuer and the investor by itself is not the same as "effecting transactions" in
securities. The courts focus on the role
the unregistered person plays in creating the specific terms of the sale to
determine whether the unregistered person is "effecting transactions."
Introductions might be deemed to be inducing
or attempting to induce a purchase or a sale, but these curt cases indicate you
do not fulfill all the conditions to being required to register, unless you
participate in the negotiating process or otherwise participate in causing the
issuer and the investor to agree to the specific transaction terms, because
"effecting transactions"
requires specific deal terms, not just a notion that two people might enter
into a transaction if you introduce them.
This distinction between being in the
business of introducing people who might do a deal and being in the business of
negotiating or otherwise actively creating a specific transaction is the heart
of what some people call the finder's exemption from broker registration
As we will see in article (3) of this series
of articles when we compare the SEC's interpretation of the Exchange Act with several
recent court cases that disagree with the SEC and with the actual provisions of
the Exchange Act, the SEC sometimes considers participating in negotiations a
factor in determining whether someone should register as a broker, but the SEC
expands broker registration requirements to other situations where someone collects
a fee for introductions and/or other services.
Such other often services include providing
advice to the issuer about the offering even if the person never directly
negotiates with investors. This may
bring into the broker registration loop behind the scenes financial consultants
who refer companies to investors from past transactions, but who never directly
negotiate with investors.
Since the SEC enforces laws and does not make
laws, we should analyze the SEC statements about who is a broker that has to
register in light of whether they are justified by the provisions of the
Exchange Act we discussed above.
How the SEC Interprets the Broker Registration Requirements of the Exchange
The SEC provides the following guidance about
who is a "broker:"
"Sometimes you can easily determine if
someone is a broker. For instance, a person who executes transactions for
others on a securities exchange clearly is a broker. However, other situations
are less clear. For example, each of the
following individuals and businesses may need to register as a broker,
depending on a number of factors:
"business brokers," and other individuals or entities that engage in
the following activities:
Finding investors or customers for, making
referrals to, or splitting commissions with registered broker-dealers,
investment companies (or mutual funds, including hedge funds) or other
securities intermediaries
Finding investment banking
clients for registered broker-dealers;
Finding investors for
"issuers" (entities issuing securities), even in a
"consultant" capacity;
Engaging in, or finding
investors for, venture capital or "angel" financings, including
private placements;
Finding buyers and sellers
of businesses (i.e., activities relating to mergers and acquisitions where
securities are involved);
investment advisers and
financial consultants;
foreign broker-dealers that
cannot rely on Rule 15a-6 under the Act (discussed below);
persons that operate or control electronic or other
platforms to trade securities;
persons that market
real-estate investment interests, such as tenancy-in-common interests, that are
persons that act as "placement agents" for
private placements of securities;
persons that market or
effect transactions in insurance products that are securities, such as variable
annuities, or other investment products that are securities;
persons that effect
securities transactions for the account of others for a fee, even when those
other people are friends or family members;
persons that provide support services to
registered broker-dealers; and
persons that act as
"independent contractors," but are not "associated persons"
of a broker-dealer (for information on "associated persons," see
"In order to determine whether any of these individuals (or any other
person or business) is a broker, we look at the activities that the person or
business actually performs. You can find
analyses of various activities in the decisions of federal courts and our own
no-action and interpretive letters. Here are some of the questions that you
should ask to determine whether you are acting as a broker:
Do you participate in important parts of a securities transaction,
including solicitation, negotiation, or execution of the transaction?
Does your compensation for
participation in the transaction depend upon, or is it related to, the outcome or size of the transaction
or deal? Do you receive trailing
commissions, such as 12b-1 fees? Do you
receive any other transaction-related compensation?
Are you otherwise engaged
in the business of effecting or facilitating securities transactions?
Do you handle the
securities or funds of others in connection with securities transactions?"
The SEC goes on to say that: "A 'yes' answer to any of these questions indicates that you may need to
register as a broker."
Some parts of the SEC's website positions described above can be justified
by the language of the Exchange Act. But
other parts of the SEC's position are only viable, because of prior SEC
positions that interpret the Exchange Act very broadly. Over the past two decades, the SEC has even
retracted no-action letters that evidenced a narrower interpretation of the
scope of the Exchange Act's broker registration requirements.
When the SEC uses its own prior broad interpretations of the Exchange Act
as justification for what the Exchange Act means or says the Exchange Act
requires broader interpretation now than in earlier decades, the SEC is
building its regulatory house on a foundation of sand. The SEC's structure may not survive a
In this case, the storm consists of:
The Exchange Act's actual
The reality of modern
deal-making practices.
Courts that are trying
protect investors without bringing the economy to a halt, unless the Exchange
Act's language requires it.
If all unregistered people who do deals stopped doing the things the SEC says
the Exchange Act requires you to register as a broker, a substantial part of
the American economy would disappear. Some
SEC positions are simply inconsistent with long-standing practices for how
deals are done. Many professionals,
including lawyers, would have to answer yes to one or several of the questions
the SEC's website says mean you have to register as a broker. Examples of common deal practices cited by
the SEC for which people normally do not register as a broker include:
- Lawyers often hold money and stock certificates in
escrow and negotiate securities transactions. The same lawyers often introduce clients
to people they know have invested in the transactions the lawyer did for
other clients. Lawyers also work on
a stated or practical contingency fee basis, knowing that all or part of a
fee will not be paid if the deal does not close.
- People often introduce friends and family into deals
and receive compensation of some type.
- People who serve on boards of advisers often add value to businesses by making introductions. Who they know (including investors) is often as important as what they know.
At Risk of Penalties from the SEC and
Civil Liability
Of course, the SEC ignores the fact that
its positions are inconsistent with both reality of the roles different people
play in securities transactions and the SEC's own enforcement policies. The SEC doesn't prosecute lawyers for holding
money in escrow or for negotiating deals or even introducing investors. But the SEC's interpretation of the Exchange
Act means that many unregistered finders, placement agents, business brokers and
even business people who sporadically arrange deals risk penalties from the SEC
and civil liability to investors in deals.
Does this liability risk make sense when
so many deals depend on unregistered finders and so few unregistered finders
are prosecuted?
Execute buy orders and
sell orders on public securities exchanges.
Underwrite registered
public offerings.
Sell mutual funds for
Hold money and
securities for clients.
Trade at the broker's
discretion under an agreement with the client.
Design retirement,
education or other financial plans for clients.
In order to reach its broad interpretation
of the Exchange Act, the SEC has to justify its positions using the three terms
of the Exchange Act we discussed earlier:
"Effecting transactions" in securities, which
appears in both the Exchange Act's definition of the term "broker" and
the term "dealer" and in the registration requirement provision of Section 15(a)(1)
of the Exchange Act.
Being "engaged in the business," which
appears only the Exchange Act's definition of the term "broker" and
the term "dealer," but does not appear in the registration
requirement provision of Section 15(a)(1) of the Exchange Act.
"Induce or attempt to induce the purchase
or sale of a security," which appears in the registration
requirement provision of Section 15(a) (1) of the Exchange Act, but does
not appear in the Exchange Act's definition of the term "broker" or
the term "dealer."
The SEC often simply justifies its
position by defining these activities so broadly that they include all activity
related to securities transactions. The SEC's
positions would both make more sense and be more effective in shaping how deals
are done, if the SEC defined a set of activities related to securities
transactions for which people could charge a fee without being required to
register. That would demonstrate an
honest attempt to tie specific activities to the Exchange Act's language, while
helping issuers and advisers better understand who is allowed to perform which
The SEC considers you to be "effecting transactions":
- If you
take any action other than introducing the parties to the transaction.
- If you introduce investors and you receive "transaction based compensation."
"Transaction based compensation"
and "success fees" are concepts the SEC uses to describe the economic
rewards that causes the SEC to determine they are "engaged in the business" of effective transactions, but
these economic terms do not appear in the Exchange Act. The SEC has indicated that transaction based
compensation can include some types of compensation that are not success fees.
The SEC says that effecting transactions includes
introducing investors, advising the seller about transaction structure,
preparing financial projections and business plans, participating in
negotiations, making recommendations, and doing valuations (whether or not a
formal valuation report is delivered).
Transaction Based Compensation is the Key
Thresh Hold Issue for Being "Engaged in the Business"
Receiving "transaction based compensation"
as a service provider in a securities transaction is relevant, because you
cannot be a broker, unless you are "engaged
in the business." Few
people engage in any business without being paid. Unless you are donating your services, the SEC
considers you to be in the business.
That's logical so far. But the SEC's position is that a single
transaction in which you earn transaction based compensation is enough to cause
you to "be in the business."
As we will discuss in article (11) of this series of articles, this
position is inconsistent with the SEC's position on dealers - you have to
engage in transactions on a regular basis to be required to register as a
dealer. Many court cases that we discuss
in article (3) of this series of articles also disagree with the SEC's single
transaction position for dealer registration requirements.
While the SEC often focuses on receiving commissions
or other success fees, the SEC's broad view is that any transaction based
compensation (which is not limited to success fees, but might include fixed
fees, retainers and consulting fees) is sufficient for almost any service
provider to be "engaged in the
business" of effecting transactions in securities. The SEC treats stock, warrants and other
securities the same as cash compensation.
The SEC's position is strongest where a
finder is continually interacting with investors about deal terms or the value
of the securities. Where the finder is
advising only the issuer and does not interact with investors about deal terms,
the SEC's position that the finder is selling the deal or "effecting the
transaction" is weaker. Issuers
have many advisers who are not required to register as brokers. It is difficult to justify treating an
adviser to the issuer who also introduced an investor differently than other
advisers to the issuer.
Certainly, to the extent the SEC worries
about success fees creating the temptation to engage in high pressure sales
tactics with investors, that factor is not present where the finder
communicates advice about deal terms solely to the issuer.
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