By Jim Verdonik
an attorney with Ward and Smith PA. I also write a column about business and
law for American Business Journals, have authored multiple books and teach an
eLearning course for entrepreneurs. You can reach me at or Or you can check out my eLearning course at or
or you can purchase my books at
Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, predicted in 1943
that: "I think there is a world market for five computers."
Now that the SEC is allowing business to advertise
in Rule 506 (c) private placements, some pundits are following Mr. Watson by
predicting that few businesses will advertise their private placements.
If that is true, the biggest restriction on
advertising won't be reluctance to use advertising. People have been complaining for many years
that that the anti-advertising private placement rules unnecessarily limit the
ability of people to raise capital to start and grow businesses, unless they
already know a lot of wealthy people.
The biggest reason why people won't advertise
private placements is that the SEC has proposed rules that may make advertising
impractical. We discuss these proposed
rules in another article.
Of course, the dirty little secret about private
placements is that they haven't really been private for a long time.
Since Internet use became ubiquitous, very little
remains private. So, why should private
placements be the exception?
Private placements have been sneaking around the
corners of the Internet wearing thin disguises for over a decade. Even before the Internet, businesses began
making presentations to investors in "venture capital" conferences,
where advertising is used to solicit investors to attend the conference. Both venture capital and angel investors
attend these public conferences. If a
business rented a hotel conference room and did mass mailings and newspaper
advertisements for investors to attend, the SEC would consider that to be
illegal adverting and general solicitation, but the SEC has winked at other organizations
inviting dozens of businesses to make pitches to investors solicited by
This happened because the private placement rules
have never really made much sense. How
do you sell something you can't tell people about?
So, Rule 506 (c) merely opens doors for businesses
to do openly what they previously often disguised.
Of course, when some people think about securities
advertising, the might be thinking about advertisements they see in The Wall Street Journal, which has had a long and very profitable reign as
the Mecca of securities offering advertising.
We're all familiar with tomb stone ads for deals and mutual fund
Pundits might be correct in predicting that we won't
be seeing a flood of similar advertisements in private placements – especially
by young businesses.
The two primary reasons are cost and
effectiveness. Traditional advertising
costs too much for most businesses to afford and won't achieve the goal of
generating sales.
So, most Rule 506 (c) advertising will take a
different form and use different media than traditional public offering
securities advertisements.
of this Article
In July 2013 the SEC made the biggest
changes to private placement capital raising rules since the SEC issued
Regulation D more than three decades ago.
See the end of this article for links to
other articles about these Rule 506 changes.
In this article, well talk about
- What media will work best?
attributes of different media create risks you won't comply with securities
can you use these new rules to raise the capital your business needs by
balancing three competing factors: Advertising effectiveness, budget and securities
law compliance?
Your Audience
Let's start by talking about the basic
art of selling.
Selling is usually most effective when
the salesman creates a bond with the potential buyer.
To accomplish this, salesmen try to know
their audience and tailor their pitch to audience preferences. What works for one group can fail miserably
with another group. This basic rule of
sales applies whether you are selling cars, telling jokes, collecting for
charity or selling securities.
That's why great salesmen don't start
hitting you with information as soon as they meet you. Great salesmen ask you questions before they
start telling you their pitch. They need
to know you to tailor their pitch to your needs and preferences.
Great salesmen also continually
re-assess whether they made the right decision about your needs and preferences
by trying to understand how you are responding.
If you are advertising in a Rule 506 (c)
private placement offering, you start off knowing one thing about your audience: Accredited investors are your only audience. That's because you are not allowed to sell
securities to anyone other than accredited investors if you advertise. People who give investment advice to
accredited investors are also in your audience.
So, the first thing to do when you plan
your advertising is go to SEC Rule 501 (a) of Regulation D and look at the list
of eight types of accredited investors.
That list includes:
- Several
types of institutional investors.
- Individuals
with an annual income of $200,000 or more.
- Individuals with net assets of $1 million or more (not including their primary home).
Investors. Most institutional investors probably won't
be looking at advertisements to choose their investments. They receive so many investment proposals
from investment bankers and other sales people that looking through
advertisements is a waste of time for them.
So, you can probably exclude institutional investors from the target
audience for your advertising.
Intermediaries. You might use advertising to attract a small
investment banker, placement agent or other intermediary to try to sell your
deal. But one of your biggest problems
may be that your advertisements may attract offers of help from people who
really can't sell your deal. As in any
industry, the best people are busy. So,
be prepared to sort through proposals of dubious value before you find someone
who can really help you. Nevertheless,
tailoring your advertising to the intermediary community might be a useful
strategy. That means using the types of
media the investment intermediary community looks at on a regular basis –
industry newsletters, websites, chat rooms and twitter #hashtags. After you identify the best media, what
should your message be? Two things
attract placement agents and other intermediaries - a deal that is easy to sell
and that is big enough that a percentage commission produces a good pay-off for
the intermediary. If your deal has both
these qualities, expect to be contacted by placement agents offering their help
to sell your deal once you let them know about it.
Middle Class and Wealthy Individuals.
Accredited investors have above average net worth and incomes, but many
of them don't live extravagant lifestyles.
Many upper middle class people qualify as accredited investors. Some of them drive cars that are older and
less expensive than their poorer neighbors.
So, you have a wide range of people that often blends into the community. But mass media advertising is expensive. To avoid going broke trying to raise capital,
narrow your advertising to the most relevant sub-markets to reduce advertising
Identifying the right media is
relatively easy, because different media outlets market to different
audiences. Media businesses track which demographic
and economic groups their audience consists of, because advertisers want this
information, including income and net worth.
Advertisers trying to sell big ticket luxury goods place ads in media
that appeal to people with high incomes and high net worth. So, looking at the ads other advertisers place
in different media channels is a quick way to develop your list of potential
media channels even before you discuss demographics with specific media
Before we discuss different types of
media, let's remind ourselves about the purpose of advertising. Your advertising won't make a sale for
you. But your ad will achieve its goals
if it convinces people to ask you for more information about your
business. That task is easier if you
deal with people who already share a common interest with you. We'll call these people your "sweet
spot" target investors.
So, your first step is to answer the
question: Who are your "sweet spot" investors?
After that, you can look for the best
media to reach your "sweet spot" investors.
How do you identify your "sweet
spot" investors and the media to reach them?
Three ways to do that are to focus on
media that appeal to specific types of "sweet spot" investors. Do that by considering whether your business
would have special appeal to investors in any specific:
or lifestyle
Let's discuss how you identify the best
media to connect with each of these "sweet spot" investor groups.
- Geographic Focused Media. Many private investors like to invest in
local businesses. A one hour drive
is a useful rule of thumb for targeting investors in your geographic
"sweet spot." So,
advertising in media that focuses on your metropolitan area may be a
useful strategy. Obviously, your
advertisement should describe your business' local connection. Local news media are always looking for
stories. If you have a compelling
story, initially focus on public relations instead of paid advertising. PR may allow you to reach the audience
you want without breaking your budget.
But PR articles come and go.
To create a steady communications channel with local investors, you
may need to spend some money on paid advertising.
- Industry Media. People who know your industry have
greater ability to evaluate whether your business has good investment potential
than people outside your industry.
The key to selling investments is helping investors overcome their
fears. So, your sales task is easier
if you target people who start out with lower fear levels than if your
targets start with higher fear levels that you have to lower. People who know your industry usually
understand the risks your business and industry present. Knowing what the risks are makes
investing in your business less scary.
You might also be able to kill two birds with one advertising
stone. Advertising in an industry
publication might attract an investor who also brings skills to your
management team. You might find a
partner, as well as an investor.
But there is a downside.
Advertising in industry publications might alert competitors to
adapt their strategy to either copy you or to protect their customers from
you competing with them.
- Hobby Interests and Lifestyle Media. Many businesses make products or provide services that appeal to people with specific lifestyles, hobbies and other personal interests. If your business makes camping equipment, advertising in outdoor media may help you find investors who are interested in learning more about your business. Computer games, sports, gardening, fashion and food are other areas that have very focused media that appeal to particular groups. Remember, that your goal is find people with significant wealth and income. Some hobbies and lifestyles will be better for this purpose than others. Most media organizations know a lot of demographic information about their audience, including statistics about income and wealth. They regularly tout these statistics to attract advertisers who are looking for specific demographic groups. Before you spend money on advertising, find out the statistics about the income and wealth levels of your media's audience. It can be as simple as calling the marketing department of the media outlets you are considering.
Of course, even targeted media ads cost
some money. If that's beyond your
budget, or if you want to supplement a small budget, then you'll definitely use
social media to sell securities.
You can use the same "sweet
spot" investor criteria we just finished discussing in your social media
If you target people who share common
hobbies and lifestyle interests they sometimes share your information friends
who have common interests. The friends
in turn may do the same. If enough
people do this, your information can go viral.
Entering the right community with something compelling that spreads
through texting, emails, chat rooms, Twitter and other social media can give
you a big audience in your target group for a relatively small amount of money.
But before you jump into attempts to cut
your offering expenses by trying to create something that goes viral within a
target community, understand the potential integration problems we discuss in
our article about integration issues in private placements.
Now, let's talk about how you can use
specific types of social media. Since
social media is in a constant state of change, this list and how you can use
each type of social media will be quickly outdated, but it's worthwhile to give
examples that illustrate basic principles.
- LinkedIn. You can passively advertise or you can
be more proactive and search for people who fit your "sweet
spot" investor criteria both in your contacts and in the contacts of
your contacts. You can also
participate in "Groups" of people who share a common interest.
- Twitter. Become a thought leader in an area that
appeals to people in your "sweet spot." Twitter messages might
be short, but they can link to a world of information about you. Be careful not to link to too much
information. Many Twitter users are
grazers. They like to keep on the
move and sample a little of this and a little of that. If the see a large amount of
information, they might just ignore it because they don't want to commit
too much time to any one thing. To
avoid overwhelming Twitter users, consider leading them through a meal of
progressively bigger servings of information with each course. You can use your followers to spread
your links. Or you can identify
#hashtags that attract your "sweet spot" investors.
- Facebook. Facebook provides an environment to
communicate less formal business messages.
It is frequently adding additional tools for communicating with
other Facebook users.
- YouTube. YouTube is a great way to create a
personal connection with your potential investors. It’s the next best thing to meeting in
person with someone. Create your
own YouTube channel. Most people
don't want to play long videos. Try
to keep each individual video to less than two minutes. You can't tell our whole story in to
minutes. But if you have multiple
videos in the same place, you can tell a compelling story about your
business in installments. What you
leave out is as important as what you include. Each video should leave viewers
interested in hearing more. If you
answer all their questions too quickly, they might move on. You want them to contact you to ask you
- Blogging. Establish your credibility as a thought
leader with an area of expertise.
Then, use that credibility to make your pitch that you can use that
expertise to build a profitable business.
This can be a long-term process that begins well before you begin
selling securities.
- Company Website. Create an investor section of your
website. Use search engine
optimization (SEO) techniques to attract visitors to it.
- Third Party Websites. Establish mutual linking relationships
with key websites that your "sweet spot" target investors often
use. Post information about your
business and industry on these websites.
- Investment Apps. You can get an app for your smartphone that compares hotel, airline and rental car deals for you across multiple travel websites. The day is not far off when similar apps will help investors search the Internet for investment opportunities. Be aware of how these apps work so you can help them find you.
As you can see, you have a wide range of
inexpensive selling tools at your disposal.
It's easy to fall into the trap of testing the waters to see if one
works and then moving onto another. The
reason that's a mistake is that what you say in one place may create legal
issues. Sales materials have to be intriguing
without crossing the line into misleading.
As we discuss in other articles, both securities regulators and
plaintiff's lawyers will use isolated misleading advertisements against you
even if you later make all required disclosures.
The key to using advertising to sell
securities is to design an integrated advertising campaign that makes sense as
a whole and whose individual pieces don't get you into trouble.
Sales and follow-up materials don't
have to duplicate one another. But it's
critically important that one message doesn't contradict what you say in
another message. When you piece it all
together, it has to both tell the whole truth and be internally
consistent. That why taking isolated
sales efforts can get you into trouble.
Crowd Funding Yet. Now, let's discuss who is not yet in your
advertising target. Don't confuse Rule
506 (c) advertising with "crowd funding." The JOBS Act also mandated crowd funding, but
the SEC has not yet approved crowd funding rules.
The crowd funding securities offering rules
mandated by the JOBS Act will eventually allow businesses to raise small
investments from many investors via the Internet, who will not have to be
"accredited investors."
Generally, this will occur through websites that specialize in crowd
The crowd funding mandate is intended to
give business seeking to raise capital access to websites that are similar to
those that allow people to pay for new products in advance so that the business
can produce the new product to sell to them. Currently, in the U. S. these websites can
only sell products. Businesses cannot
offer their early customers the right to buy their shares through these
websites – at least not in the United States.
But the SEC has not yet approved crowd funding rules. Until the SEC approves the crowd funding securities
offering rules mandated by the JOBS Act, these small investors are off
limits. Therefore, your target audience
for advertising should be guided the eight different types of accredited
investors described in Rule 501 (a) and should not seek to attract smaller
When crowd funding rules are approved by
the SEC, you will face issues about how to separate your crowd funding sales
efforts from Rule 506 (c) offerings and other private placement activities. In the meantime, be careful not to mix these
commercial business activities with our capital raising activities, if you sell
products through crowd funding websites.
The SEC and state regulators will be
closely monitoring advertising that is designed to appeal to many non-accredited
investors. Don't fool yourself into
thinking no one is watching you.
Penalties for Non-Compliance
If you don't comply
with Federal or state securities laws, the usual remedy is rescission. That means that investors have the right to
get their money back, plus interest. If
the business cannot pay the money back, officers and directors, investment
bankers and others might have personal liability.
in Private Placement Series
In July 2013 the SEC made the biggest
changes to private placement capital raising rules since the SEC issued
Regulation D more than three decades ago.
More than 90% of private securities
offerings are affected by these changes.
The SEC's recent changes are a mixed
blessing for businesses selling securities.
These changes include:
- Prohibiting
using Rule 506 if someone affiliated with your business or with your
capital raising efforts has violated securities or other financial
industry laws.
- Adding
new Rule 506 (c), which allows you to advertise when you raise capital in
a private placement.
- Rule 506 (c) also requires you to take reasonable steps to independently verify that all people who buy securities are "accredited investors," if you advertise your offering.
Our articles in this series about SEC
Rule 506 private placements help you decide how you can use these new rules to
raise the capital your business needs by balancing three competing factors:
- Advertising
- Budget
- Securities law compliance
You have to get all three right to
successfully raise capital.
Here's a list of our articles that
discuss the primary issues you will face when you try to balance these three
objectives in your capital raising efforts:
- Advertising Messages Tweeting Your
Way to Securities Fraud in 140 Characters: What Do you Say in SEC Rule 506
(c) Advertising in Private Placements?
How do you decide what you say in
your advertising? How do you say
it? What current SEC and state
advertising rules can you use to guide your advertising decisions? Can you combine effective sales messages
with complying with securities laws?
Or is it an either or choice?
What's the point of advertising if securities laws prevent you from
selling effectively?
- Choosing the Right Media for your Advertising. Don't Tweet when You Should Have LinkedIn: Choosing Your Advertising Media in SEC Rule 506 (c) Private Placements How do you advertise within your budget? How do you identify your "sweet spot" target investors and the right media to reach them? What social media tools can you use? How do you attract accredited investors who meet SEC criteria for making investments?
- Building your Sales and Legal Team. Would
You Let Your Lawyer Run Your Sales Department? How Can You Build the Right Team for
Advertising in SEC Rule 506 (c) Private Placements? How do you build teams to help you do
effective advertising while still complying with SEC and state anti-fraud
rules? What role should your sales
team play? What role should your
lawyer play? How do you choose a
lawyer who can help you create effective advertising that also complies
with securities laws.
- Accredited Investor Verification. Will SEC Rule 506
(c)'s Permission to Advertise Cure Your Capital Woes or is Its Accredited
Investor Verification Requirement a Poison Pill? If you want to
advertise your securities offering, you must take reasonable steps to
verify that everyone you sell to is an "accredited
investor." You can't just rely
on the investor checking a box that tells you it is accredited. How much checking is
"reasonable"? How do you
qualify for the "safe harbor" the SEC included in Rule 506
(c)? What happens if you don't
obtain the right type of proof that the people you sell securities to are
"accredited investors?"
Why will some investors refuse to comply with your verification
requests? What can you do to
reassure investors about privacy issues and make the verification process
more convenient for investors?
- Beware of SEC Integration Rules: SEC
RULE 506 (c) Integration Pitfalls: Don't Use the SEC's New Advertising and
Solicitation Private Placement Rule to Saw Off the Limb You are Sitting
On Why should you look before
you leap into advertising? What
integration and related pitfalls does Rule 506 (c) create for businesses
that choose to advertise or engage in general solicitations? How do you sell securities to people who
are not accredited investors under another SEC private placement exemption,
if your advertising doesn't attract enough accredited investors to finance
your business?
Getting Caught : How Will the SEC Know I'm Advertising in a
Rule 506 (c) Private Placement? How will the SEC know about your
advertising? Why isn't it a defense that
everyone else is breaking the rules? How
do you deal with the interim period when people are figuring out what the new
rules let you do and don't let you do?
Bad Actors: SEC's
Bad Actor Rule: When You Lie Down with Dogs Expect to Get Fleas
use Rule 506 (with or without advertising) you have to verify that a long list
of people who are affiliated with your business or with selling your securities
offering haven't violated securities or other financial industry laws. How do you make sure the SEC's Bad Actor
Prohibition for Rule 506 private placements from cut off your ability to raise
- Identity Crisis at the SEC: Does
Filing Your Private Placement Tweets with the SEC make Sense?
What road blocks to effective advertising in private
placements is the SEC erecting? Why
are these blocking efforts doomed to fail?
- Government Bouncer at the Capitalist Club: SEC RULE 506 (c): Who is Allowed to Be a Capitalist? Why is the Government using Rule 506 (c) to decide who is allowed to be a capitalist? Do you have what it takes to get past the Government bouncer standing in your way at the door to the capitalist club? Why can't you be a capitalist too?
you would like to learn more about learning how to grow your business or other
issues important to your success, you can reach me at or Or you can check out my eLearning course at or or you can purchase my books at
Text Message Marketing If that is true, the biggest restriction on advertising won't be reluctance to use advertising. People have been complaining for many years that that the anti-advertising private placement rules unnecessarily limit the ability of people to raise capital to start and grow businesses, unless they already know a lot of wealthy people.
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